Save Time & Improve your traceability in your maintenance management
With Skyzen, your mechanics can complete during the inspection the operations they perform
A collaborative platform for a better traceability
Launch your inspections and save online your maintenance reports.

Benefit’s of Skyzen
Generate Inspection’s documents
At the beginning of the inspection, you can print all inspection’s documents (Launch Report, Time Spent, Parts Consumed, …). You just have to complete them during the inspection and save them in Skyzen at the end of the inspection.
Better Traceability
Skyzen helps you to trace of all your inspections performed in your workshop by saving all inspection’s documents online. These documents are saved in the cloud on multiple servers in France and Netherland.
Our features improve your efficiency
Work on tablets to save time at your inspection’s closing.
Multiple Site Management
Manage your mecanics and workshops on multiple sites. Select the site where your mecanics are working.
Inspection's Documents
Skyzen create ready to complete inspection’s documents. (Launch Report, CRS, …)
Maximal Traceability
Your mechanics can complete the operations performed, the parts consumed, the tools used, the time spent and the documentation used at each inspection..
Inspection's History
Keep your inspection’s history online and watch all details when you want. You can access to the history of your inspections, your tools and your mechanics.
Cost Monitoring
With Stock Management Module and mechanic time spent tracking, you are able to monitor the direct cost of each inspection.
Skyzen is available in English, French, Germa, Italian and Spanish. We can add easily a new language if required.
Select the inspection’s checklist you need
These checklist are coming from the manufacturer’s maintenance manual.
Simple Training & Deployment
During the deployment, we initialize your aircrafts in Skyzen and we train your team and we perform a dedicated follow-up to answer any of your questions.
In 1 month, your team has all skill required to use Skyzen.
Spend More time on maintenance Less on papers