Manage your airworthiness and your inspections everywhere in real-time
Skyzen helps you to improve airworthiness, maintenance and stock management processes by sharing all data in one simple solution.

Easy & Online Airworthiness, Maintenance & Stock
Operators / Owners
You want to save money and be the one who choose the operations to perform on your aircraft ?
With Skyzen, you are fully autonomous and regulatory compliant. You know in real time the hours left on your aircraft and you choose the operations to include in the next inspection.
Skyzen can also help you to know the maintenance cost per flight hour of your aircrafts.
Airworthiness Management
You are spending too much time on looking for information on the aircrafts you manage ? You don’t have a global overview on the limits of your fleet ?
Save & Acces easily to all information about your aircrafts. Have a real time view of the limits left on your fleet
Maintenance Management
You are spending a lot of time on searching technical documention and filling the inspection’s reports rather than working on the aircraft ?
Complete the inspection’s report while working on the aircraft: Execute and control the operations you have performed in Skyzen in real time and the report will be ready to be sent at the end of the inspection.
Aircrafts on Skyzen
Airworthiness & Maintenance Management Online
Skyzen offers you a better vision on your fleet’s airworthiness and helps you to trace and digitize your inspections.
Your benefits
Save Time
Once an aircraft is in Skyzen, the due list management is automatically done. You just have to provide flight hours and launch inspections.
If you are a workshop, the data submitted by the mechanics will help you to finish the inspection’s report much faster.
The exchanges of data are easier between actors (Owner, CAMO, MRO) to increase efficiency and improve traceability.